Hang Tien Photography Tour 2D1N


Hang Tien Photography Tour 2d1n adventure through the thick jungles of Tu Lan will provide you with a chance to explore the wondrous Hang Tien through your lens. Our photography tour to Hang Tien is different from our standard trek. As we will take more time to photograph the cave environment and will also bring along some special equipment.

Hang Tien Photography Tour

Led by a professional caving guide and guide assistants, enjoy a range of viewpoints along with additional cave lighting to capture the best shots inside the caves. You’ll also have the added benefit of using our guides as models in your shots to get the full scale of the cave. It is a demanding tour as each day is extended to give you the longest time possible to capture your shots. You’ll also have the chance to capture some incredible nighttime photographs around the campsite and look down at the jungle lagoon pool.

We intend this tour for those who are serious about photography. You are responsible for your own camera. And we do not provide lessons on how to use your camera in these conditions. Some general guidance will be provided with regard to lighting the caves.

Hang Tien Photography Tour

As the largest cave in the Tu Lan Cave System, Hang Tien has an enormous size and spectacular formations. Our guide will bring you into the depths of the Vietnamese jungle where the lost world of ancient rock configurations can be found dripping from the ceilings. Spending a night under a net of a thousand stars is a truly unique chance to enjoy the real wilderness of this country. With formations rising up like a layer cake of rimstone pools and lush ferns, Hang Tien, or “Fairy Cave”, is truly a unique specimen. Highlights of the tour include gour pools, swimming in lakes within a cave, a natural lagoon pool, and cave-side waterfalls.

Please note that drones are not allowed on our Photography tour unless it is a private tour and permission has been granted by the Ministry of Defense for special purposes. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Phong Nha - Tan Hoa - Hang Ruc

Your first day begins in Phong Nha with pickup from your local hotel around 7:30 - 8:00 am. From 8:00 - 9:30 am, you’ll make your way to Oxalis’ Tan Hoa office. Where you will learn all about safety measures collect your gear and sign our Release Form before departure at 10:30 am.

Hang Tien Photography Tour 2D1N- Phong Nha Locals Travel

The first part of the walk is tricky with 1-hour trekking uphill and then a hike down alongside the river. You will make a stop for lunch at around 1:00 - 1:30 pm. At 2:00 pm, you’ll cross the river, and then follow the path to Hang Ruc. Here you’ll find a pretty stream cave with short swims and flowstone cascades.

Hang Tien Photography Tour 2D1N- Phong Nha Locals Travel
Hang Tien Photography Tour

Around 5:00 pm, make your way out of Hang Ruc and trek upriver to the campsite. It is next to a beautiful natural jungle pool. Here you’ll be able to enjoy a refreshing swim and time to take some great photos before the sun goes down. While you set up camp, the porters will grill up a fulfilling BBQ dinner for you to gain energy for your upcoming exploration of Hang Tien 1 and Hang Tien 2 the following day. If the skies are clear you can capture some amazing shots of the star-filled jungle night.

Hang Tien 1 - Hang Tien 2 - Tan Hoa - Phong Nha

Wake up in your jungle campsite to breakfast prepared bright and early by the porter team. After enjoying your breakfast at 7:00 a.m. You’ll need to climb over a field of boulders before going to the sight of Hang Tien 1 around 8:30 am. Within Hang Tien 1, about 50m inside the entrance lies a large chamber where you can enjoy the beautifully patterned ceiling. Pushing forward, the tour will continue through most of Hang Tien 1 and up a ladder, from which the exit of Hang Tien 1 will be visible. We will reach the exit around 10:30 am.

Phong Nha Ke Bang Caves

Trek through the jungle for thirty minutes at 11:00 am. You’ll head back into the subterranean world known as Hang Tien 2. Here you’ll find many formations. And you’ll trek about 300 m into the cave. Before making your way out, back to the exit of Hang Tien 1. There are some very attractive viewpoints from which to set up your tripod and capture some stunning shots inside the cave. Enjoy a picnic lunch from 1:00 - 2:00 pm.

Phong Nha cave photo tour- Phong Nha Locals
Hang Tien Photography Tour 2D1N

We fill the next couple of hours with your return trek to the road, where cold drinks will await you. Arrive back at the office around 4:30 pm, where you’ll have time to shower and change into fresh clothes before heading back to Phong Nha. The endeavor will end at 7:00 pm in Phong Nha.

Hang Tien Photography Tour

PRICE: 9,460,000 VND/Pax = 411 USD/Pax

Link nội dung: https://pmil.edu.vn/tien-tien-tour-a51170.html