Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Task 2 ngày 24/08/2024

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 24/08/2024

You have approximately 20 minutes to complete this task.

The tables below give information about the consumption and production of potatoes in different world regions in 2006.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Your report should comprise a minimum of 150 words.

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 24/08/2024

Phân tích biểu đồ

Dạng biểu đồ: Bảng (Tables)

Đặc điểm tổng quan (Overview):

Sắp xếp thông tin:

Đoạn 1 - Mô tả và so sánh số liệu của bảng thứ nhất (Potato consumption).

Đoạn 2 - Mô tả và so sánh số liệu của bảng thứ hai (Potato production).

Xem thêm: Tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Writing 2024.

Bài mẫu


The tables show how much potato was consumed and produced across various parts of the world in 2006.


Overall, Europe had the highest potato consumption per capita, though its production was slightly lower than that of Asia and Oceania, who were the largest producers. In contrast, South and Central America, and Africa produced and consumed the least potatoes.


Regarding potato consumption, Europe was the biggest consumer in 2006, with an intake of 96.1 kilograms per person (kg/capita), followed by North America, averaging 57.9 kg/capita. This was approximately double the consumption in Asia and Oceania, and South and Central America, both standing at around 25 kg/capita, while the lowest consumption was recorded in Africa, at only 14.1 kg/capita.


Turning to potato production, Asia and Oceania were the leading producers, with a total output of 131.2 million tonnes (Mt). Although European people ate more potatoes than those in any other regions listed, their production was the second-highest, at 126.3 Mt. Meanwhile, North America, Africa, and South and Central America registered the smallest production figures, ranging from 15 to 25 Mt.

Word count: 187

Phân tích ngữ pháp

Sau đây là một cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật được sử dụng trong bài mẫu ở trên, và có thể được áp dụng một cách linh hoạt cho các đề khác có đặc điểm tương tự:

Câu được chọn: “Overall, Europe had the highest potato consumption per capita, though its production was slightly lower than that of Asia and Oceania, who were the largest producers.”

Cấu trúc câu:

1. Trạng từ (Adverb): Overall

2. Mệnh đề chính:

3. Mệnh đề phụ (Subordinate Clause): though its production was slightly lower than that of Asia and Oceania

4. Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative Clause): who were the largest producers

Phân tích chi tiết của các cụm từ trong câu:

1. Overall

2. Europe had the highest potato consumption per capita

3. though its production was slightly lower than that of Asia and Oceania

4. who were the largest producers

Phân tích từ vựng

Per capita

2. The largest producers

3. The biggest consumer

4. Intake

5. The smallest production figures

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 24/08/2024

You have approximately 40 minutes to complete this task.

You need to write an essay addressing the topic below:

Research indicates that nowadays some consumers are much less influenced by advertising than in the past.

What do you think are the reasons for this?

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Your essay should comprise a minimum of 250 words.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng đề: 2-part Questions

Từ khóa: nowadays, consumers, less influenced by advertising, reasons, positive or negative development.

Phân tích yêu cầu: Đề bài này đề cập đến một hiện tượng là ngày nay một số người tiêu dùng ít bị ảnh hưởng bởi quảng cáo hơn so với trước đây. Người viết cần phải đưa ra các lý do cho hiện tượng này và trả lời câu hỏi rằng liệu đây là một sự phát triển tích cực hay tiêu cực? Đối với đề bài này, chúng ta có cách phân bổ thân bài như sau:

Brainstorming section: Sau đây là các ý tưởng gợi ý mà người đọc có thể tham khảo để sử dụng trong bài viết của riêng mình.

Some Consumers Are Less Influenced by Advertising


Positive or Negative Development

Increased Awareness and Education:

Access to Information and Reviews:

Overexposure to Advertising:

Rise of Ad-Blocking Technology:

Shift Towards Authentic Content:

Customization and Personalization:

Skepticism Towards Advertising:

Social Media Influence:


  1. Informed Decision-Making:

    • Consumers making purchasing decisions based on research and genuine reviews can lead to more satisfaction with products and services.

  2. Encourages Better Marketing Practices:

    • Companies may focus more on product quality and customer satisfaction rather than flashy advertising, leading to better products and services.

  3. Reduction in Consumer Manipulation:

    • Less susceptibility to advertising means fewer consumers are manipulated into unnecessary or impulse purchases.

  4. Increased Competition:

    • Companies must now compete on product quality and customer service, rather than just marketing budgets.


  1. Economic Impact on Advertising Industry:

    • A decline in the effectiveness of advertising could lead to job losses and a shrinking of the advertising industry.

  2. Challenges for Small Businesses:

    • Smaller businesses that rely on advertising to compete with larger brands may find it harder to attract customers.

  3. Difficulty in Reaching Target Audiences:

    • Companies may struggle to reach potential customers, leading to slower growth and innovation.

  4. Potential for Information Overload:

    • Consumers might become overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and reviews available, making decision-making more complex.

Cấu trúc chi tiết của bài viết:

Mở bài

Paraphrased Topic (Giới thiệu chủ đề bài viết)

Thesis statement (Nêu lên quan điểm chính của người viết)

Thân bài 1

Topic Sentence (Câu chủ đề) Supporting idea 1 (Ý bổ trợ thứ nhất)

Explanation (Giải thích cho ý thứ nhất)

Supporting idea 2 (Ý bổ trợ thứ hai)

Example (Ví dụ cho ý thứ hai)

Thân bài 2

Topic Sentence (Câu chủ đề) Supporting idea 1 (Ý bổ trợ thứ nhất)

Explanation (Giải thích cho ý thứ nhất)

Supporting idea 2 (Ý bổ trợ thứ hai)

Example (Ví dụ cho ý thứ hai)

Kết bài

Restated thesis (Nhắc lại quan điểm chính của người viết)

Summarized main points in body paragraphs (Tóm tắt lại các ý chính ở trong 2 phần thân bài)

Bài mẫu

In recent years, studies have shown that contemporary consumers are significantly less swayed by advertisements than they were in previous decades. This essay will first explore the underlying reasons for this shift before arguing that it is largely a positive development.

One of the primary reasons consumers are less influenced by advertising today is the widespread availability of information. With the internet at their fingertips, consumers can easily access product reviews, compare prices, and read detailed analysesbefore making purchasing decisions. This access to information empowers consumers to rely less on advertisements and more on independent research. Another contributing factor is the increasing skepticism towards advertising. Many consumers have grown wary of exaggerated claims and manipulative tactics often used in ads. For instance, a consumer might disregard a beauty product commercial that promises unrealistic results, opting instead to read reviews from actual users who share their genuine experiences.

This trend of diminished influence from advertising is a positive development. Firstly, it leads to more informed decision-making. Consumers who are not easily swayed by ads are more likely to make purchases based on thorough research and genuine needs, which can lead to higher satisfaction with their purchases. Secondly, it encourages companies to focus on product quality and customer satisfaction rather than just marketing. When consumers prioritize reviews and personal recommendations over advertisements, companies are pressured to improve their offerings. For example, a small business might invest in enhancing its product quality and customer service, knowing that word-of-mouth and positive reviews will have a more substantial impact than traditional advertising.

In conclusion, the declining influence of advertising on consumers is driven by increased access to information and growing skepticism towards ads. This shift is beneficial as it promotes informed decision-making and compels companies to focus on quality and customer satisfaction.

Word count: 298

Phân tích từ vựng


  1. Sway

2. The underlying reasons

Body Paragraph 1:

3. Widespread availability

4. Making purchasing decisions

5. Increasing skepticism

6. Exaggerated claims

7. Manipulative tactics

Body Paragraph 2:

8. Informed decision-making

9. Genuine needs

10. Offerings

11. Word-of-mouth

12. Substantial impact


13. Is driven by

14. Customer satisfaction

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Link nội dung: https://pmil.edu.vn/bai-thi-writing-ielts-a50901.html