Even Steven’s Odd-Game Review!

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and they realize something they have always done you have never ever tried??

It’s not just me, right? Ha!

Our favorite game!

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A friend and I were talking on Instagram and she posted a picture of Candy Land. I had to admit I have never played this game (according to my memory) and neither had my children.

She was shocked! I guess it’s required before the age of 7 there. Ooops!

Our Favorite Rainy Day Games:

We discussed what games we have played on rainy days.

As she guessed, as a child, rainy days meant fireside reading for me ? However, my all time favorite games were Uno, Sorry!, Backgammon and a game my grandfather designed, marbles and cards together. We called it “The Marble Game”, inventive huh?

With the children, we love to play Uno, Crazy 8’s, and Jenga.

As an adult, I am not crazy over all games. I am actually quite picky but love to try any game out.

This week we’ve had some awesome sunny and warm days, which we have been able to really enjoy outside. However the week before, we had some rainy and chilly days! EW! Anyone know what happens when you keep outside children cooped up inside?? Hint: It isn’t pretty!

Our New Favorite Game:

To cure this, we played this crazy fun game and I can’t wait to share it with you.

If you like fast-paced, fast thinking and some sneaky mathematics thrown in this is THE game for you! The game is called: Even Steven’s Odd!

It’s for 2-4 people, and ages 8+, it’s a super fast dice game, with cards. Each person gets 6 dice, 3 white, 3 colored. You also get this thing to hold the dice, I don’t know what to call it, haha!

You can watch a video on how it is played!

Note: you may need to select video from the right side.

Here is how you play:

Step one: Everyone gets to choose a bag of colored dice and white dice, and you choose the matching dice holder.

Step two: You flip a card and read the challenge.

This is where the Mathematics sneaks in. It might read for example, “4 fours and 2 twos”, this means all of you race by rolling your dice to see who completes the challenge the fastest.

Step 3: Roll and when you complete the challenge by setting your dice in the holder AND

Step 4: Quickly grab Steven! Whoot! You win the challenge card! Get 10 to win the game! (we shortened it up to 5 for quicker games on some days)

My kids loved it! They love games. Even the adults in the house who are very choosy loved it. Time really flies!

As much as we loved this game you may want to note not all the cards are super easy. We were able to adjust it for younger children by removing the more difficult cards. This does lessen the amount of cards to play with but it still makes for a super fun game.

Also, this game can get LOUD! These are happy noises but if you are sensitive to noise you may want to set a few rules in place first. Also putting a table cloth down reduced the noise of the dice. ?

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As a homeschooler, I love that math is involved in a fun way. When you are playing, especially at the end of the day, it is funny how your brain can not seem to compute how to do a challenge. When the kids are faster than mom and dad at math, then they get so excited! Kids excited about math! Check!

If you love rules, like C. does, you will love that they are inside the box cover. You will not lose them unless the dog eats the box or something.

And the best part? If someone is struggling with the harder questions, some cards have a red star on them, this means they are easier to complete. You can take the rest out.

I should mention, my charming husband figured out how to cheat right away, so keep an eye on the sneaky ones.=)

It’s an “all play” game so everyone rolls at the same time. Hubby mentioned that you could easily just turn them over to what they needed to be. (sigh!) No worries, my rule loving children set him straight quickly. Hehe!

Be sure to check the game out and read additional reviews of the game: Educational Insights Even Steven’s OddTm.

I filed this under homeschooling because anything that gets my children excited about Math or learning, even if they don’t know it-ROCKS! According to Scholastic Playing board games with your children also provides many practical benefits, such as learning about fair play and social skills.

Tell me, what is your family favorite game?

Take care,


PS. I love using games for reinforcing what the children are learning. Do you? If so, be sure to check out some of my favorite games here!

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Link nội dung: https://pmil.edu.vn/odd-board-game-a48077.html